With the support of a grant from the Siebert Lutheran Foundation, funds from Equipping the Saints will have a significant impact on the life and ministry of the synod with the hiring of Pastor Afi Dobbins-Mays as the Assistant to the Bishop for Authentic Diversity and Leadership. This position is one of the primary areas of focus in the leadership initiative of the campaign.
Pastor Afi (pronounced a-FEE) is rostered in the United Methodist Church and will begin her service with our synod on December 5, 2022. She will help guide our work in response to the Authentic Diversity Audit and work with congregational transitions and leadership development events.
Pastor Afi’s belief is that by empowering others to see the Divine Spark of God within themselves and their environment – together people can create a life and community that are healthy, strong, and in alignment with God’s Divine call and purpose for all.
We invite you and your congregation to be a part of the Equipping the Saints appeal to support Pastor Afi in her new position and to see the other initiatives of the appeal unfold for new life and ministry.
Sign Up to Join Our Congregational Leader Training Next Week!
The ETS Campaign has raised over $908,000 which is 39.5% toward our goal. The campaign is now seeking to let every member of the Greater Milwaukee Synod to hear about this effort and make their own decision if they would like to provide financial support to the campaign.
We began training congregation leaders this month, and will continue with sessions in December and January.
This is a great continuing education opportunity for stewardship teams! In addition to learning about how to implement the ETS campaign which is a model for generosity in your own congregation, you will also learn tactics to maximize year-end giving to your congregation (35% of giving in the US happens between Thanksgiving and the end of the year).
Questions? Contact Joyce Caldwell at joyce.caldwell@gmselca.org to learn more about how your congregation can join ETS.