Grace Lutheran Church in Thiensville stepped forward as a first-round congregation but took a unique and creative path for engagement. The congregation completed the campaign in October 2022, meeting its goal. Pastor Bill Beyer tells the congregation’s story:
“At the 2021 Synod assembly the call was set forth for congregations to join the first-round efforts of the Synod’s Equipping the Saints ministry drive. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, the voting members “raised their hand” to learn more about the program. As our congregation learned more about ETS, we realized that we wanted to be a part of it. The challenge we faced was our own building and renovation project that was becoming more and more of a reality. We discussed as a congregation which was more important, and the conclusion was “both.”
As our congregation committed to enhancing and expanding the ministry of our own building, we also felt called and wanted to participate with ETS. So we took a portion of the funds we were raising and dedicated it to ETS and the ministry of the greater church of which we are a part. On Reformation Sunday we presented the Bishop with a check for the full amount of our commitment, one year earlier than we had expected.”
The ETS Campaign has raised over $904,000 which is 39.3% toward our goal. The campaign is now seeking to let every member of the Greater Milwaukee Synod to hear about this effort and make their own decision if they would like to provide financial support to the campaign.
We began training congregation leaders this month, and will continue with sessions in December and January. This is a great continuing education opportunity for stewardship teams to build skills they can use for any future congregational stewardship campaign!
Questions? Contact Joyce Caldwell at joyce.caldwell@gmselca.org to learn more about how your congregation can join ETS.